Housing and Care Services

Most adults 65 and older want to grow old in their homes. Modifications may need to be made at the house to accomplish this goal. When it comes to in-home care, most older adults receive services from unpaid family caregivers allowing them to age in place. This may not be an option for some families. […]

Professional help for seniors


Senior safety is a top priority. Falls are common among people 65 and older. About 36 million falls are reported annually among older adults. Three million fall-related injuries are treated in an emergency department each year. To help reduce this exposure, one must look at a person’s living situation, especially for those that age in […]

Senior Safety

A skilled nursing facility (SNF) provides 24-hour professional nursing care. Services include medical and non-medical treatment, such as physical, occupational and speech therapy in a safe care environment. Additionally, each facility has a medical director, and that doctor or the patient’s physician supervises care. Furthermore, every resident must have an individual plan of care developed […]

Skilled Nursing Facility

When looking at all the various home care options for your aging loved one, undoubtedly, costs for care comes into the equation. The national median rates for assisted living services are $4,500 monthly and $54,000 annually and are paid privately (i.e., personal finances, long-term care insurance). Services include light housekeeping, meals, socialization, and companionship, and […]

Cost of Care

Community senior centers are an excellent place for aging adults who are relatively healthy. Unfortunately, people 65 and older have a 70% chance of needing services and support in their remaining years. Statistics also show 77 percent of adults 50 and older prefer to age in place. Considering this, know what resources are available, especially […]

Adult Daycare


Most people want to age at home. People 65 and older have a 70% chance of needing services and support in their remaining years. Considering this, people need to look into their options. Most consider an assisted living community or skilled nursing facility, but if you want a smaller setting, look into a residential care […]

Residential Care Homes


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